Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 5

Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 5

Frying Pan You can cook curry in any type of frying pan, but for the best results use an aluminium one that’s not non-stick. Aluminium is a metal with excellent heat conductivity, fast temperature adjustment, is light but durable, and distributes the heat evenly. A...
Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 4

Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 4

Differences Between Cooking Curry in Restaurants and at Home Although the basic approach is the same in both commercial and domestic kitchens, there are some significant differences. Reproducing BIR food at home has less restraints on time (and cost). We can take more...
Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 3

Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 3

Harsh Tasting Curry? There are few things more disappointing than a curry with an overpowering and unpleasant flavour, whether it be mild like a chicken tikka masala, or hot like a vindaloo. The first mouthful may taste great, but after a few more the taste buds are...
Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 2

Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 2

Typical Stages of Restaurant Style Curry Cooking  To demonstrate and illustrate the typical steps taken to make a BIR style curry, I’m going to demonstrate the making of a basic curry sauce using the most common ingredients. This article will explain the key...
Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 1

Introduction to Cooking BIR Curry Part 1

INTRODUCTION TO BIR COOKING Ingredients will only get you so far; it’s what you do with them that counts. This holds true for all forms of cuisine, but it is exceptionally important with the British Indian Restaurant (BIR) style of cooking (almost unbelievably so)....

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